Table of Contents
Overview #

Create a Valuation Scenario #
Most methods contain specific options which can be chosen when creating a sceneario
General Options #
Options which are shared across most methods

Capitalisation of Future Maintainable Earnings Method #

- Level of Profit: Level of Profit value which will be referenced for the valuation scenario.
- Apply constant growth rate: If FME represents earnings to the current year, applying a constant growth rate will increase the FME amount for one year’s growth. Add the growth rate on the Multiple tab.
- Reduce economic income by tax: If a post-tax capitalisation multiple is used, the economic income should be on a post-tax basis.
- FME Precision: Defaults to 2 decimal places. Example: Enter 1 to round to a whole number or 100000 to round to the nearest $100,000.
- Hide FME Equivalent column: By default the normalised profit & loss report will generate an equivalent Future Maintainable Earnings Column based on period weightings.
Discounted Cash Flow Method #

- Cash Timing Choice: How is the cashflow discounted
- Value to enterprise or equity: Outcome value of the Discounted Cash Flow
- Level of Profit: Level of Profit value which will be referenced for the valuation scenario.
- Notional Tax Rate:
- Terminal Value Precision: Defaults to 2 decimal places. Example: Enter 1 to round to a whole number or 100000 to round to the nearest $100,000.
Comparable Transactions Method #

- Outcome of Comparables: Outcome value level
- Selected Statistic: Statistical level of data.
- Control Premium %: The discount premium for the selected statistics.
Guideline Publicly-Trade Comparable Method #

- Outcome of Comparables: Outcome value level
- Selected Statistic: Statistical level of data.
- Control Premium %: The discount premium for the selected statistics.
Rule of Thumb Method #

- Level of Value: The outcome of the Rule of Thumb method.
- Description: Description for the method.
- Data Number Format: Format of the outcome value
- Data Display Rounding Decimals: Decimals for the outcome value
Custom Method #

- Custom Method Name: Name of the method.
- Level of Value: The outcome of the Custom Method method.